
Professor Dr. Marco Genovese

Research Director,The Quantum Optics Research Sector of INRIM

Title of Talk: Quantum Metrology & Sensing

Abstract: In the last years the specific properties of quantum states (as entanglement), for a long time considered as peculiarities discussed by the restricted community of physicists interested in the foundations of quantum mechanics, became a fundamental resource for the development of new technologies (as quantum communication, computation and imaging), collectively dubbed “quantum technologies”.
In this talk, after a general introduction to quantum technologies, I will present the new possibility offered by optical quantum measurements for expanding our measurement capacities. In particular, I will describe in some detail new quantum sensors based on the coherence properties of quantum systems and quantum imaging techniques

Prof. Dr. Marco Genovese is Research director in INRIM, leading Quantum Optics Sector. His works concern development of quantum technologies in quantum optics, in particular having given significant contributions to the birth of experimental quantum metrology-imaging & sensing.He has more than 250 papers, over 180 on JCR journ.He teaches quantum optics at PhD of Turin Polytechnic Univ. In the last 10 years, he has been (co)tutor of thesis of more than 60 students (15 PhD level). m.genovese@inrim.it